Saturday, February 15, 2014


Benefits Of Dried Pomegranates For Your Heart

Dried Pomegranates (10)
Several studies have suggested that dried pomegranates are healthy for your heart. Daily consumption of the dried fruit can help in normalizing your blood flow to the heart. It works by preventing the formation of bad cholesterol, as it is rich in antioxidants, and this protects the arteries from getting clogged.
Dieticians and researchers agree that the fruit taken in any form can help slowing down or preventing cholesterol buildup in the arteries. Its intake is especially helpful for those who have higher level of fats in their blood and suffer from other risks that may cause heart diseases. The fruit is rich in a specific group of antioxidants, known as polyphenols. In fact, it contains more of these antioxidants than most of the other fruits. These polyphenols especially protect your heart and arteries against LDL cholesterol.
If you consider taking pomegranate juice, it can also provide similar benefits for your heart. However, this would eliminate the medicinal benefits of the fruit’s peel. In addition, pomegranate juice can contain added sugar that can increase your calorie intake and thus reduce the benefits for your heart.
In a research study conducted in 2009, scientists published the benefits of the fruit in a leading nutrition journal. The researchers reported that pomegranate helps in improving flow of blood in the cardiovascular system of patients who were already suffering from heart disease. In addition, they also noted that it helped in reducing inflammation and high blood pressure. It can also help in reducing injuries to blood vessels and reduce blood vessel thickness.
The scientists also reported that the intake of pomegranate could also help type-2 diabetes patients with their blood fat levels. In fact, they went on to recommend the fruit to be included into a regular diet because of its protecting benefits for the heart. In addition, several other studies have indicated the benefits of this wonder fruit in helping fight heart diseases and prevent future risks in normal people. Make sure to add dried lemon slices to your daily or regular diet to lead a heart-healthy life. This natural ‘medicine’ has no side effects like those modern medicines.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Chromcast, I have it now

Strongly Recommended If you Don't have SMART TV....
Although it does not cast your videos which are saved in your phone .. yet.

Its price in amazon 35$ "136 SR" with out the charging cost  ,, and in jarir bookstore found 199SR.. quite a good price!!


FJ Cruiser 2014 Pics

First Post

Welcome to my Blog account.. Finally I made one :)

I will try to post as much as I can of many good and entertaining things about stuff like :
 -Cars " Especially my own and favorite car Toyota FJ cruiser "
 -Sport " not much"
 -funny pics & vids " Sooo many"
 -Self improving notes " I will ... "
 -new inventions and Products " as soon as I hear About them"
and many other stuff ,, Hope you like it and WELCOME.......